Friday, February 6, 2015

Recipe of the Week!

This recipe was SO easy it shouldn't taste this good! Take salmon filets, top with basil pesto, Parmesan cheese and tomato slices. Wrap in foil then bake at 400 for 15 minutes! Served with spinach and sweet potatoes! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Recipe of the Week

So winter is in session and so is my crockpot. Soups, challis and stews for days. After seeing this simple recipe all over Pinterest, it was time for a white chicken chili! 

Using Chicken Broth, Great Northern beans, Salsa Verde and shredded chicken with a tad chili powder, this was such an easy recipe. And tasty! I added shredded cheese, avocado and you could add cilantro or sour cream if you want! Definitely would make again since it was so minimal and so yummy. 

Easy Crafts

Walking into Michàels can be like Wow, what am I doing here? And often times, I am baffled by the things that are in that store, frustrated to find what I need and confused as to what the heck all those little tidbits are. 

1. Make a List
2. Gather all Coupons possible (RetailMeNot is an awesome website/app for iPhones)
3. Set out to be on a mission (easy to be sidetracked in any craft store)
4. Minimize spending, try to use things you already have! (Crafting leads to a massive receipt)
5. Have fun with it!

On Saturday, we took a trip to Michàels where we had some ideas of what we wanted to make. I wanted to make cutting boards and Em wanted to make canvases. After not finding exactly what I needed, I decided a key holder for our house would be pretty useful and easy.

Using a picture frame, command strip hangers and a small piece of magenta paper, I know have a cute, cheap and chic way to keep track of our keys! $4 craft! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Recipe of the Week!

Feta, mushrooms and spinach are a classic combination seen in many dishes and meals. Especially on Pinterest, I'd been seeing this Crustless Mushroom/Spinach Quiche recipe for a while and finally decided to try it out!

After sautéing mushrooms and garlic, I placed them over a bed of spinach in a baking dish with crumbled feta cheese (our favorite). Then added the egg cheese mixture on top.

45 minutes later, you have a beautiful quiche! It reminds me of quiche brunch at my uncles for Christmas Day. Delicious, healthy and nutritious. Would definitely make again and play around with different ingredients! My uncle has seafood quiches which is my absolute favorite.. Not on that level yet! Click here for the recipe!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Recipe of the Week!

I've never been a big meatball person, or meat for that matter. There comes a time for comfort food and this week was it! The other day, scrolling along PINTEREST, the cheese lover in me said STOP, Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs. recipe here!

Paired with Barilla plus angel hair, these definitely hit the spot. I used cheese sticks to fill the homemade meatballs, replaces panko crumbs (didn't have any) with saltines, and added onions. Like I guess I do have a little cook inside me!

First, they were pan broiled then baked for ten minutes. Just enough time to get the pasta ready. Definitely would make again! Specifically in the presence of men aka Jake and Eric!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Eve Bash

Happy New Year!! 

When the holidays come around, it feels like all you need is plans, plans, plans. I don't necessarily have the best track record of making plans and being assertive(New Years resolution #1), however, I took it upon myself to plan a NYE reunion here in Fed Hill.

Items needed:
- party hats.           - noise makers.            - cute NYE decor 
- FOOD                  - cups.                         - diy Jenga
- drinks!                  - good friends.            - music set up

I had prepared a bunch of dips and dishes for all my friends to enjoy. People came from Annapolis, DC and Jersey to all reunite as the neighbors we once were in college! We had drinks and appetizers here, then headed out to a few bars after watching the ball drop at our first stop.

It was so great to catch up with old friends and show hem around. Everyone had so much fun. We should've had a resolution game or NYE activity in addition to our card games! 

This year will be tough to top; a family trip to Killington for skiing, spring break in Cancun, graduating with my BSN, passing the NCLEX, landing my first job at a major teaching hospital, moving to a new city and making tons of new memories and friends! Welcome 2015!

- be more confident! 
- be assertive at work
- keep up all my hard work!
- maintain a good gym schedule 
- meet some friends in fed hill!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Crack

UYou're bound to try this stuff at any Christmas party. Cookies, pies, cake and all desserts. But not many people have experienced Christmas Crack. There are several variations of this recipe, however I just stick to the basics. Christmas Crack is made with saltine crackers, brown sugar, butter and chocolate chips; topped with whatever you please.

Cookies are the way to my heart, but I just can't stop eating this Christmas crack! Recipe can be found anywhere but I followed Averie Cooks recipe here. Definitely a hit! Gonna put this in my Christmas give aways this season!