Monday, January 19, 2015

Easy Crafts

Walking into Michàels can be like Wow, what am I doing here? And often times, I am baffled by the things that are in that store, frustrated to find what I need and confused as to what the heck all those little tidbits are. 

1. Make a List
2. Gather all Coupons possible (RetailMeNot is an awesome website/app for iPhones)
3. Set out to be on a mission (easy to be sidetracked in any craft store)
4. Minimize spending, try to use things you already have! (Crafting leads to a massive receipt)
5. Have fun with it!

On Saturday, we took a trip to Michàels where we had some ideas of what we wanted to make. I wanted to make cutting boards and Em wanted to make canvases. After not finding exactly what I needed, I decided a key holder for our house would be pretty useful and easy.

Using a picture frame, command strip hangers and a small piece of magenta paper, I know have a cute, cheap and chic way to keep track of our keys! $4 craft! 

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