Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What is City Life?

From CowTown to the inner city, this week has been quite a combination of interesting experiences. Reality set in that I can't just drive to Target when I realize our house does need a coffee table...and I can't just depend on my mom to drag my to the gym every night. Mail doesn't come in a mailbox. I don't know my neighbors... Yet hopefully. A bike is coming in handy. Everything is expensive. There are sketchy wanderers around. Townhomes are cute. Guys can be creepy. Dogs everywhere. Learning that I'm really not stylish. Needing to study the bus route map.

And it's beautiful. The change is scary and I don't know what I'm doing half the time but i can see myself liking it here. There's about a 1:20 ratio of people to restaurants and cute little pricey boutiques. I walked around today and wandered into some shops ( yeah... I haven't started my job yet). This was of course after exploring the running scene this morning.

Running into different Baltimore neighborhoods and in past the Inner Harbor has me feeling like I could run ten miles and forget all about it. Also, 65 degree weather in November is amazing. Biking to BodyAttack later 💃

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