Friday, November 14, 2014

Winter Running 101

So that time of year has dreadedly arrived- temperatures drop into the 20s, hats and gloves are a necessity, fireplaces are the attraction and chances are you're hibernating indoors. For me, and many others, winter brings fear and chills to runners and fitness gurus. Life in the winter doesn't have to be all about treadmills and staying under the covers. With these tips and necessities, you can keep in your running habits AND stay warm.

Top Winter Necessities for Runners

1. Waterproof Jacket: this is probably the number one necessity. And waterproof is key. One word... Snow.

2. Insulated Gloves: if you don't have gloves, chances are your bare fingers and bare head are making you chilled. Your fingers are often the first to get hot and the reason why you're cold. I like mine because they're iPhone friendly, which enables me to use music and emergency texts :) 

3. Headbands/: hats, head insulator, cap, or headbands... You'll be surprised at how much of a difference this makes! Pick a cute color and you're set.

4. will save you. A few of my favorites and essentials include a turtle top, and nice warm pants. Having a warm base layer will be lifesaving.

When you have the right gear, running in 20 degree weather isn't so bad. Remember, the faster you run, the sooner you'll be inside!

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