Tuesday, November 11, 2014

DIY for Days

DIY: do it yourself. This common hobby or craft can often signify failed-attempt-at-being-thifty-and-cute. I know it's not that easy, and most likely nowhere near as easy as it looks. While I was crafting for my apartment, I found myself like WOW diy is awesome...  I feel like I saved so much money and made exactly what I wanted instead of spending hours searching for it. Here are some examples of some DIY decor I easily finished.

Chances are you've looked at Pinterest, said "wow that's so cute and cheap!" And then proceeded to replicate what you saw, and you might look at your creation like, "what in the world was I thinking"!?!? It doesn't have to be so hard if you keep it simple, and So I listed a few tips on how to successful DIY.

DIY (do it yourself) & DIW (do it well)

1. Research! Pinterest has so many amazing crafts and DIYARBAKIR ideas that you'll never be bored. When researching, make sure you think about materials you need, if this is even possible for you to accomplish, the realistic outcome, and if you'll be happy with it! Make sure you look at several ways to do the same project so you know an easy route. 

2. Upcycle! Whenever possible, use what you have! I used oatmeal containers, painted them and made them into pencil holders. I've used the same gold spray paint on all of my bathroom decor, saves money! 

3. Materials; use what you have. Michàels is expensive... But amazing. I've gone into Michàels for feathers go make angel wings for Halloween and came out $70 poorer.  If you have mason jars and glitter, literally type "glitter mason jar diy" into Pinterest search engine. Wa-lah.

4. You don't have to be Martha Stewart! Remember you're probably not an artist, and your finished product might reflect that you're not one either. Know when you face the facts and buy the $40 version instead of DIY. You'll probably be more satisfied.

5. Simple sometimes means more. Sometimes you don't need ten thousand decorations in your newly furnished living room. I've used bulletin boards to create a chic atmosphere by cutting up an old pillowcase and attaching it to the boards. Super easy, super cheap.  Also, those plain glass vases that are sitting under your sink could be a decorative item on a shelf.

6. Take your time. Nothing ever good happened from a rushed crafter.

7. Terrific tutorials; look for diy projects that include a tutorial, or step by step instructions. This will make it so much easier and allow less room for failure.

Using these tips, anybody can become a DIYer! Next time you're on Pinterest, look for your next DIY project and get started! 

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