Thursday, January 23, 2014

snow days

 I now know what it's like to live in Alaska... FREEZING. The past two days have reached single digits with negative wind chills and it looks like it's gonna stay that way for the next week or two. Atleast I literally don't have anything to do with my life during the final days of my winter break. Which is kind of nice and kind of painfully boring. As is the treadmill. Which started off my day today. We had sushi for dinner which is my FAVORITE.. although I don't branch out much... spicy tuna and california! I also started packing today... and now I'm wondering why I brought so much home. I practically wear the same thing everyday! I played with Lexie outside today and she is just the cutest thing. 

The sunset was BEAUTIFUL! Atleast the snow is pretty and the sunsets are nice.. but the cold has to go. 53 days until CANCUN!!!!!! 

10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. yellow
2. waking up at the beach
3. the feeling after getting your hair done
4. finishing a long run
5. mid-mornings
6. the weather channel
7. nicely painted nails
8. new underwear
9. finding a good DEAL
10. BBQ chicken pizza
11. my birthday
12. giving gifts/suprises
13. puppies
14. reunions with old friends
15. home videos
16. ice cream
17. finding the perfect seashell
18. little kids smiling
19. the color pink
20. a really warm and cozy blanket
21. cuddling
22. walks with my mom
23.  sunshine
24.  having a tan
25. Christmas lights
26. snowmen
27. family game nights
28. hot chocolate after skiing
29. holidays
30. decorating

Just thinking how important it is to dwell on the happy and the present and forget the rest. xo

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