Friday, January 24, 2014

DIY: recipe cards!

I love crafts that are actually useful.. things that will come in handy or look cute hanging up on the wall (OR around my neck ;] ). After running a ton of errands with my dad today, which was super fun, I decided to do some crafting. 1. I LOVE a good meal! 2. I love pretty colors and designs. and 3. I love baking people goodies! Recipe cards were perfect. 

All I needed was some colored ink, cardstock and wah-lah: my own personalized recipe cards. I filled each recipe card with my famous Christmas cookies, and my family's favorite recipes. This is a GREAT template for Christmas Cookie recipes; it allows you to type in the recipe and directions/ingredients. There's even Thanksgiving themed from this same blog! Thank you Lisa Griffith!

There are so many cute recipe templates on this website; I especially used the ones from here. Now I just need a super cute recipe box and I'm set! Enjoying my last weekend at home! xo

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