Sunday, January 26, 2014

hellooooo last semester of college

I made the drive back to Salisbury today for my FINAL semester of college! Crazy right?! I can't believe time has passed by so quickly. I'm so excited for what this semester will bring and I'm definitely ready to graduate! It was pretty hard to leave my family but I have to feel so lucky that it's hard to leave a wonderful thing that I have at home. This semester I'm looking to take on Community Health, Best Practices of Nursing, finalize my resume, start my internship at Nanticoke Hospital and do some volunteering around Cambridge county in Maryland. 51 days until Spring Break in CANCUN and spring brings the best memories and stuff to do. As roommates, we have a ton of stuff to accomplish and do together before the semester ends; we want to go wine tasting, have a Make-Your-Own Pizza night, spend a day in St. Michaels, go to Trampoline World, go to Commons brunch on the weekend one more time, have a fondue party, buy some alumn Salisbury gear, and of course get margaritas at Plaza!  Bring on spring semester and more importantly, warm weather! WOOOOO! 

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