Monday, January 20, 2014

Motivational Monday #3

Happy last Monday of winter break! Started off the day with a short run and then saw my roommate who stopped by on her way back to school. I'm excited to be back with them in the Diva Den (our house at school hehe). It's crazy how this will be our last semester but I am so ready and so excited! Mondays are actually my favorite days, as are mornings. There's so much potential and excitement on Mondays (and mornings) and SO much possibility. It's like so, what will be new and exciting about this week? What will be new and exciting about today? Keeping a positive attitude helped me through nursing school and the NCLEX is COMING! Everyone hates on mondays, and getting out of bed. But, from the way I look at it, that's your best and most productive part of the day/week. Mondays, I accomplish so much... excluding winter break. My mom and I are headed to an aerobics class later on which is always fun, and I'm finding myself to be VERY bored this week. I hate when Jake goes back to school and I'm still at home because he is a lot of my entertainment during the day! We had such a good winter break though. I'm looking forward to this week, the snow storm coming tomorrow and headed back to Salisbury for the last time. Happy Monday!!! xo

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