Monday, November 3, 2014

Quest Bar Cereal

So I think everyone knows about Quest Bars, and obviously how freaking delicious they are. My personal favorite is Cookies n Cream.. However I haven't gotten to try too many of the flavors. I am always looking for ways to use my quest bars, especially since they don't come around my house too often. Quest Creations actually posted a "15 second recipe" for COOKIE CRUNCH CEREAL. Um, amazing. I love baking and cooking and when it's healthy -- even better. So I'm feeling awesome.

I used the Cookies n Cream bar just because who doesn't love milk and cookies? Excellent combination, and it's also what they used in the video.

First step, heat your oven to 350 degrees. It's recommended to heat the quest bar in the microwave for about 10 seconds just to make it easier to cut up into small pieces like above.Spread the cookie bits (I obviously snacked on some of these babies during this process) on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 4 minutes, turn and swish all the cookies around on the tray... Then return them to the oven for another 4 minutes.

I got my little guys off the sheet as soon as possible because I didn't want them to be overcooked or tooooo crunchy. However, let them cool or else they'll turn to mush in the milk! I topped my cereal with fresh banana slices and vanilla almond milk. It was simply amazing and simply healthy. Who doesn't love cookies and cereal!? Enjoy!

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