Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Holy Guacamole

We had an end of the year nursing lab assistant party today where we were all required to bring in a dish! Since I'm in serious withdrawal of Cancun and yummy treats, I took it into my own hands to recreate a Cinco De Mayo necessity.

Recipe here! 

I had searched around for a few recipes but ended up going with my first find: Pinterest! This recipe is so fresh and SO good. I like how the avocado was soft enough to smash and blend but I also love the avocado chunks and consistency I made. I added garlic salt and a dash of pepper, as well as a bunch of lime juice.  I hear the lime juice makes spread on top delays browning of the guacamole and avocado color. I was worried about the boring but turns out that making this dish 1-2 hours in advanced works out wonderfully. Everyone raved about it so this is a keeper recipe! 

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