Sunday, January 12, 2014

Killington 2014

We have finally arrived in Killington after 7 hours! It's been a long time tradition for my family coming up to ski for the week. This year was extra special because we arrived to a huge surprise by the rental company. We had planned on and rented a one-bedroom condominium for our family and the manager had surprised us with an upgrade to a "fancy house". We weren't sure what this entailed until we arrived... And oh did we find out.

This house was amazing! Inside this weird looking lodge-y type house were ten beds, four bathrooms, a sauna, hot tub, fooseball table and pool table, an awesome fire place and a great living area. It was also ski-on ski-off which is awesome! We started off the vacation tonight with buffalo chicken dip, relaxing by the fire made by Eric and watching Jakes Broncos football matchup. And they won, unlike last years trip.

We are all looking forward to skiing and snowboarding tomorrow and hopefully having some good weather! We brought Lexie and she absolutely lives the snow. She's such a good traveler too, from the beach to the mountains.  Family time is the best and I'm so thankful for these five!!

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