Thursday, October 30, 2014

Welcome Back!

Hello Blog World! After five months, I feel like I finally have enough time to start blogging again (we'll see) and I also feel like I've done so much lately that deserves recognition! Update on Life:

- I passed the NCLEX on the first try! 06/28/2014
- My hobbies from now on can include Body Pump, reading, watching tv with the family and especially playing with my dog.
- We had a wonderful vacation in Topsail with the family and girlfriends. 07/2014
- Eric went to COLLEGE 08/28/2014
- Jake turned 21! 06/30/2014
- Went to DC for a roommate reunion including the National Zoo 8/11/2014
- Cabin Weekend 2014 in Ithaca, NY 09/28/2014
- Many summer weekends were spent in Atlantic City, watching Eric's soccer games, applying to jobs and relaxing!
- went to animal Body Worlds in Franklin Institute 10/7/2014
- I landed my first big girl job!! 10/21/2014
- Officially found my first apartment! 10/24/2014

So many things to post and catch up on in blog world! More to come :)

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