Monday, April 21, 2014

Fresh Start Monday

I always need a fresh start after the holiday.. maybe because I eat a ton, maybe because I like to start fresh. Probably because I load up on ice cream and sweets. Post-holiday face :P . However, back on track today! I started this marvelous Monday with a 5 mine morning run followed by class for 30 minutes (senior status at it's best!) and then I headed to Giant for some detoxification food shopping...

Typical Food Shopping List 
- apples               - strawberries
- bananas              - butternut squash

- carrots              - oatmeal

- broccoli             - whole wheat wraps
- salad                - cinnamon Life
- sweet potatoes       - Luna bars
- eggs/egg whites      - peanut butter (Natural!)
- greek yogurts        - black beans
- salmon/ frozen fish  - canned pineapple
- canned tuna          - chicken breasts
- brown rice           - caesar dressing

New Things I'm Trying Out!
- cottage cheese       - avocado
- thousand island dressing
KIND granola bars
- trying a 1-week-no-sugar diet! (we'll see...)

Hoping that you have a wonderful day and that it gets a little warmer out! Bring on the rest of senior year.

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