Friday, February 21, 2014


You know how much I love Fridays! We had a wonderful happy hour last night at the Plaza Tapatia where we get excellent prices on margaritas... gotta soak up the college life while we can! I also received my PB order in the mail... Yes I did that.

This stuff is ADDICTING. PBCrave sells cool and gourmet peanut butters (I'm a PBaholic) so I had to buy this cookie dough peanut butter. It has honey swirls and chocolate chips inside and smells like a peanut butter cookie! 100% delicious. I also ordered some quest bars.. HEAVEN.

Dinner tonight was NEW. I had wanted to try a spaghetti squash for some time now and finally bought it at Giant! After watching this video for noobs, I needed to try this out. This video was really helpful especially because I had no idea what I was doing. I used this recipe from Sweet C's Designs and it turned out pretty good! I love garlic and pesto so it was bound to be delicious. It's only 60 calories per cup and is a spaghetti substitute. Not to mention it has great fiber, vitamin A and um, its a vegetable!! WOOO. Have a wonderful weekend xo

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