Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy February!!

YAY for February and YAY for a 55 degree day on the first day of the month. Some of my favorite things that happened in January; our super fun ski trip to Vermont with the family, having quality at home time with my mom and dad, supporting Jake with the Broncos advancement to the super bowl, coming back to reunite with my roommates, doing SUPER good with my new years resolutions :D and just starting again in the nursing lab and my last semester of college, booking Cancun for spring break, and eating healthier! In February, I hope to make less excuses and stop saying "but..."! I also want to get closer to my roommates and friends here at Salisbury. I want to be more spontaneous and do at least one thing that I've been wanting to do! I also want to enjoy Valentine's Day :] <3 Oh.. and apply for my first job. Love all around all through February- xo

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